Why are Europeans so competitive?
Why do they not share food?
Why do they submit themselves to other people’s orders?
Europeans just don’t seem to care about one another - they are neither generous nor kind.
What if the American Indians were free of gov’ts, bureaucracies, and ruling classes not because they were lacking in imagination but because they were more imaginative than the Europeans?
What exactly does egalitarian mean? What exactly does equality mean? Equality of opportunity? Equality of condition? Equality before the law? A belief? An ideology that everyone should be the same? Not in all ways, but in certain respects that people consider important. Or is it that people actually are the same? What would that look like in practice? That all members of society have equal access to land? Or that we treat each other with equal dignity? Or that we are all equally free to make our opinions known in public assemblies? Or is there a scale of measurement that can be imposed by the observer? Cash income, political power, calorie intake, house size, number and quality of personal possessions? Would equality mean the effacement of the individual or the celebration of the individual?
What about gender relations? In many societies equality is only applied to men. Men and women perform different types of work and some may feel their work is more important than that of others giving rise to different kinds of status.
‘The Dawn of Everything’ gets human history wrong | MR Online
Documentary series: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Through_the_Wormhole
Culture in Crisis: The Visionary Theories of Pitirim Sorokin https://satyagraha.wordpress.com/2010/08/19/pitirim-sorkin-crisis-of-modernity/
Becoming Animal by David Abram