00:07:47 Jerry Michalski: DoE in my Brain so far: https://bra.in/3vNbQz 00:12:16 Pete Kaminski: https://hackmd.io/@peterkaminski/SJ-SexGQ5 00:19:24 Jerry Michalski: looks great, Pete 00:19:34 Wendy McLean, NY: Love it Pete, thank you! 00:31:13 Felix Dietze: Need to jump into something else now. Great to see this group getting together! Bye! 00:33:22 Jerry Michalski: systematic, horrendous brutality 00:33:33 Jerry Michalski: you didn't want to be colonized by the Spanish or Portuguese 00:34:07 Jerry Michalski: they seem somehow worse than the others, in that they only wanted gold, silver, gems, etc, and if people died along the way getting those to them, so be it 00:34:10 Jerry Michalski: really sick 00:34:39 Pete Kaminski: Klaus is talking about a "lens". He was eloquent about this idea in the previous meeting - the idea of putting on a "lens" through which we review the book (in the [2022-03-25 meeting, at 24m42s](https://youtu.be/7ORgazeLj1s?t=1480). 00:35:13 Pete Kaminski: I have a suggestion that we expand that to "lenses". I feel a little constrained to think that there is one lens that will fit all of us, or even just me -- even though I agree that the lens you suggest is extremely extremely important considering the times we live in.' 00:35:34 Jerry Michalski: my lens: the next lens after Klaus’s 00:36:22 Jerry Michalski: + WtW 00:36:32 Klaus Mager: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/7176/7176-h/7176-h.htm 00:41:30 Jerry Michalski: reach CRT objectors, BLM/MeToo cringers, White Nationalists, Opus Dei members… 00:42:07 Pete Kaminski: while avoiding sealioners <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning> 00:42:27 Pete Kaminski: and other disinformation artistes 00:43:39 Jerry Michalski: my Brain tells me I heard of Sealioning in 2018… sigh 00:53:59 Pete Kaminski: queue: Hank, Jack, Judy, Wendy, Bill 00:54:57 Pete Kaminski: Yuval Harari, the way he summarized the evolutionary path of our species 00:56:41 Pete Kaminski: Leo Tolstoy 00:56:44 Pete Kaminski: Jared Diamond 00:57:00 Jerry Michalski: the Harari-Diamond-Graeber-others zone is super interesting 00:57:15 Pete Kaminski: (i am barely into the book as well) 00:57:36 Jerry Michalski: I'm not far. just reopened it in the Kindle app, will read it at night 00:57:49 Jerry Michalski: 10 minutes before sleep, and you make your way thru books 🙂 00:58:14 Jerry Michalski: I read Against the Grain a couple years ago, which is a perfect primer 00:58:37 Jerry Michalski: and I've wanted to reach out to James Scott, who is still kicking 00:59:00 Jerry Michalski: here it is in my Brain: https://bra.in/6vmNZp 00:59:57 Pete Kaminski: Wendy: "Maybe it would be valuable to craft some of the lenses, through a question, so we stay in that space of inquiry and recognition, that we're never fully going to ever answer the question." 01:00:03 Pete Kaminski: pg 61 01:00:27 Jerry Michalski: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2011/11/05/computers-useless/ 01:00:37 Wendy McLean, NY: Sorry I have to go a bit early to prep for my next meeting. Thank you all so much!!!